Scott Sawyer — Abridged C.V.
Recent Publications
[Accepted] S. M. Sawyer and B. D. O’Gwynn. “Evaluating Accumulo Performance for a Scalable Cyber Data Processing Pipeline.”
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ’14). Waltham, MA. September 2014.
[Full Paper]
S. M. Sawyer, B. D. O’Gwynn, A. Tran, T. Yu. “Understanding Query Performance in Accumulo.” IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ’13). Waltham, MA. September 2013.
[Full Paper]
K. Ni, N. Armstrong-Crews, S. M. Sawyer. “Geo-registering 3D Point Clouds to 2D Maps with Scan Matching and the Hough Transform.” ICASSP 2013. Vancouver, Canada. May 26-31, 2013.
[Full Paper – Paywall]
D. Whelihan, J. Hughes, S. M. Sawyer, et. al. “P-sync: A Photonically Enabled Architecture for Efficient Non-Local Data Access” 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS ’13). Cambridge, MA. May 21, 2013.
[Full Paper – Paywall]
S. M. Sawyer, K. Ni, N. T. Bliss. “Cluster-based 3D Reconstruction of Aerial Video.” IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ’12). Waltham, MA. September 2012. Nominated for Best Paper.
[Presentation | Full Paper – Paywall]
Patent: D. J. Whelihan, S. M. Sawyer, J. J. Hughes, “Photonically-Enabled In-Flight Data Reorganization.”
Filed 6/4/2012. U.S. Patent Application 13/477,943. Published 7/29/2014 (US8792786 B2).
[Full Text]
Patent: E. T. Pancoast, J. N. Curnew, S. M. Sawyer. Lockheed Martin Corporation. “Tamper-protected DRAM Memory Module.”
Filed 5/26/2010. U.S. Patent Application 12/787,804. Published 12/11/2012 (US8331189 B1).
[Full Text]
Special Student, MIT, 2013
M.S.E. in Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Villanova University
Contact Me:
scott at 10flow dot com
Twitter: @10flow
Google+: Scott Sawyer